Sunday, December 07, 2014

Live a Life of Mary

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
(During the Marist Asia-Pacific (MAP) Spirituality and Lifestyle Program at Sydney, Australia)

What makes us Marists? Our constitution made us who we are and it is modeled in the life of Mary. It means that we are called to live her life - breathing in and breathing out her spirit.

Mary is our first and perpetual Superior. God have made her the Immaculate Conception, pure and no stain of any sin. As a woman of Israel, she is, first of all, a human like us. She lived her life with human experience. She experienced fear and even doubt. We hear in the gospel today that she is deeply disturbed, deeply troubled when she hears the message of the angel. Through her deep listening to the Word of God she is consoled, assured and strengthened. How could she say 'no' to God? She surrendered completely to the will of God, with trust and love. Her 'yes' is a total openness to let God works in her life and to fulfill God's plan of salvation.

This is our invitation for us - to be truly like Mary - to follow in her footstep and generously open ourselves to let that grace of God working in us. Be filled with joy! Our celebration today is an affirmation for all as we live a life of Mary. We are graciously called and chosen by God. Let us live it out.

Prayer Intentions:

  • For the Philippines especially for the people affected by Typhoon Hagupit.
  • For the Souls of our Oceanian Marist confreres who died recently: Rafa and Cornellius
  • For the souls of Nerio Mendez and Eduardo del Rosario

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