First Sunday of Advent
Do you know this song “Christmas in Our Hearts”? It is a very meaningful song. That’s why I love it so much. For sure, you know the author of this song. It’s Jose Mari Chan. He is a very popular Filipino song writer and a singer.
Last night, we watched his concert at CAP auditorium. It was sponsored by our parish so I was there to welcome people. I observed that there were a lot of people waiting. Some were waiting to meet friends and their families. Some were waiting for more customers to buy tickets. Some were waiting for the concert to start.
Perhaps, in our lives, there are much of waiting. We are waiting for someone we love and we miss – our friends, best friends, girlfriends or boyfriends, our sisters or brothers – who have been gone for awhile or for a long time. We anticipate their return. We don’t ignore their absence. We want to let them know how much we want to be with them again.
However, waiting is not that easy. Sometimes we feel bored or annoying. Waiting demands patients. And it demands us to stay awake - to “watch!”
In our Gospel today, Jesus tells us the parable about the long expected return of the Master. During that time, the wealthy land owners often left their business in the hands of his trusted servants. This gave them freedom to trade, freedom to expand the business, a freedom to use the talents and gifts. The Master expected them to be faithfulness, to be alert, to watch.
The faithful servants were those who stay awake, those who would eagerly anticipate their master’s return. They kept the house and the business in good order. They were alert and always ready and watchful.
Today, we are celebrating the First Sunday of Advent. We have our beautiful Advent wreath here. We have for Sundays before Christmas. Advent is a season of waiting, a season of preparation for the coming of Christ. We celebrate the first coming of Jesus Christ at Christmas. He came to live with us. More deeply, this season is a special preparation for the second coming of Christ. This time is certain but we don’t know when it comes. That is why Jesus wants us to be alert, to watch.
There always been a challenge for us to be aware that waiting is not something that is passive. It is not just sitting there and do nothing, or just wait and let see what happens. Our waiting is to keep watch, that is, to be active, to be awake. Our world is in chaos. Many are suffering of hunger, of poverty and oppression. There are wars, division and conflicts in our politics.
As we enter into this mystery of the Advent season, we are also challenge to be aware of what is happening in our society, in our community and our own family. This season can be realized when we are alert and watchful, that is, to participate and contribute something for peace in our family, peace in our society, peace in our world. And we can do it.
Jose Mari Chan is very true in his song that “Christmas is in our hearts”. The spirit of giving, the spirit of loving is there already in our hearts. For myself, “Advent is also in our hearts”. In our hearts, we are crying for peace, we are longing for justice. In our hearts, we are waiting for the Kingdom – we pray “May your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth.” We are waiting with hope, and, indeed, our hope is here – we will receive him in the Eucharist. He is Jesus Christ.
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