Sunday, February 24, 2008


2nd Sunday in Lent
Gen. 12:1-4; 2 Tim 1:8b-10; Mt 17:1-9

I have a friend named “Robert”. He was a desperate, hard-headed and angry young man. He looked at things negatively, ready to make trouble. He didn’t trust anyone. People labeled him as “Bad Boy” of the town. He ruined himself. He was not just a thief but also a drug addict.

After many years, I met him again. And he is now very different. He is completely changed. He looks inspired and happy. He no longer hates everyone. He became very active in the GKK. In our sharing he said to me, “I want to follow Christ. So I changed my life.” When I asked him if was it difficult for him. He said, “So difficult! Extremely difficult! I have to face pain and suffering. So I pray very hard... and He strengthens me.”

Robert decided to change his life. For him, it’s like gold tested in fire. It’s painful. He has to struggle day by day. In his experience of pain and struggles, God is there to strengthen him.

Our Gospel today tells us the story of how the disciples saw a change in Jesus. Jesus knows that he would suffer and die. He says to his disciples about this again and again. They don’t want Jesus, their master, to suffer and die. It is hard for them to hear it. They are at a loss. They are in the dark!

Realizing that his disciples are depressed, Jesus brings with him Peter, James and John to the mountain for prayers. When Jesus climbs the mountain to pray and to listen to the Father. Before their very eyes, Jesus’ face shines like the sun and his clothes become dazzling white. He shows them his glory. They have an opportunity to see the glory of Jesus. They have the opportunity to look to the divinity of Jesus.

When the disciples saw this vision, it gives them consolation and joy. It is a joy for them that bring them courage and faith in their hearts. It is an assurance for them that there is life after death. There is light after darkness. This experience strengthens them to face the pain and suffering of Jesus. Jesus encourages them and keeps them strong.

Like Robert, he finds that it’s difficult to change. He finds it so painful to follow Jesus. But Jesus, in his grace, keeps him strong. For him, the deep prayer, listening to God and trust in Him is his experience, like the disciples, that strengthened him to change his life.

This holy season of Lent, we are called to change our lives. It’s not easy! There are many trials and struggles. But, Jesus assured us of his grace. Jesus is always with us in our pain and struggles. God is there to keep us strong, to give us strength and courage. If we really want to change our life to follow Jesus, we have to take this challenge - to pray, to listen and to trust in his grace that strengthens us in our struggles to change.

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